Power to the People

“To lower the cost and clean the air, upgrading the grid will get us there.”

It is not the job of the mayor to present alternatives to GVEA and it is certainly not within the scope of the FBNSB to coordinate the upgrade of the states power and transmission, its just another opportunity afforded when you elect me to serve as your next mayor.

A major priority for cost savings and resilience planning is to outfit the borough buildings and schools so they serve as net zero models and emergency shelters. This is going to upset the delicate balance we have worked to achieve with coal and natural gas, but that path is closing and if we do not step forward to lead the community, as we move forward too many will be left behind.

Fortunately, it doesn’t have to be that way. A stellar education is more than for just students. The Polaris project isn’t about the building but the space created when the community plans together. NEDD is only a roadmap, the speed, pace, direction, and budget are all opportunities for engagements. The TAPS 2.0 project will transform our economy, our environment, and our culture so that we can be an example to the state and the world on how to thrive together. All this is what makes it affordable to do the one things we know we need to do but until didn’t know how. Now we do and as your next mayor I will make the path clear.

NEDD Grid Resiliency