Based on a decades worth of work on the Polaris, the North Star Economic Development District NEDD is a framework to bridge the divide between the economy and environment and turn it into a multiplier. It is a way to blend the climate action and adaptation plan with the next version of the comprehensive economic development strategy, or CEDS.

For over a century our industrial activities have attempted to work outside the natural laws that govern our world, and like a rubber band stretched to tight, the planet is snapping back into balance and causing the systems of rampant consumption to break.

At the end of the line, we are in a vulnerable situation but as a global hub of culture and commerce we could navigate the changes to come and demonstrate to the surrounding communities how common self- reliance is the key to generational prosperity. This sentiment was unanimously codified in similar resolutions from the FNSB Assembly, the City of Fairbanks, GVEA, and with support from Representative Ashley Carrick.

Over the last year I have personally spoken to three different investors offering $5 billion in investment capital with resilience and adaptation a profitable plan. Social impact investing is averaging 15-30% after 5 years and when it goes to capacity building the wealth is generational.

Some of this can go for infrastructure but its also brought into focus how high speed transit can shape our economic future like the trans-Alaskan pipeline shaped our past, which is why we call it TAPS 2.0.

NEDD presentation