Your Candidate

Innovation is what moves the world forward and their is no more profitable investment than into the fully realized potential of the human spirit.

The Alaska we know today was created through innovation, imagination, determination, and these are conditions of the human experience not minerals found in the ground.

While we are awakening to the price that has been paid in the loss of culture and environmental degradation, we have the tools to learn from the mistakes of the past and on that wisdom grow a civilization that is equitable to all.

I serve as a political candidate just as I have as a civic leader, to bring the knowledge of best practices based on current science to address the root issues that cause us strife and suffering today. To create and pass policies that nurture a thriving business environment as the home to rich culture and conscious commerce. 

My “environmental” agenda is not against business, or even anti-fossil fuel.  I recognize that its simply good business to consider that as a fuel, coal, (as an example of the fossil fuel industry) is only worth about $90/ton and comes with ongoing costs. On the other hand as a fiber, coal is worth about $220K/ton and builds generational profits.

The interview I gave in 2013 on farming the Polaris is the means by which to capture the imagination and inspire the community to rise to new heights as we tackle our past and convert it into the hallmark of what Fairbanks will be for the next seven generations, a global hub of culture and commerce.

I also bring to the table a new set of tools for urban planning and with it a portfolio of financing options to build a brighter future for our region, state, and planet. The Ecodistricts framework, provides the perspective that Nature herself can be a profitable business partner and that the best practice is to stop treating her like just another cost of doing business. Its a way to attract and sustain a robust and diverse economic base driven by production, that lowers the cost of living and improves the quality of life for all.





Plan B (ARK)